Customisation vs. Templates: Which Website Design Approach is Right for You?

Are you torn between choosing customisation vs. templates for your website design? It’s a common dilemma for business owners and individuals embarking on their online journey. The decision can significantly impact your website’s performance, user experience, and ultimately, your success. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both customisation and template-based website design costs, helping you make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs and goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Customised websites offer unparalleled flexibility, uniqueness, and scalability but come with higher costs and longer development times.
  • Template-based websites are cost-effective and quick to launch, ideal for small budgets and simpler needs but may lack flexibility and uniqueness.
  • Understanding your business goals, budget, and long-term plans is crucial in choosing the right approach.
  • Both customisation and templates have their place, and the right choice depends on your specific requirements and industry.

Understanding Customised Website Design

Definition and Explanation

Customised website design involves creating a unique website tailored specifically to your business needs and brand identity. This approach allows for complete control over every aspect of the design, from layout and graphics to functionality and user experience.

Benefits of Customisation

Uniqueness and Branding

A customised website stands out with its unique design that reflects your brand’s personality and values. It ensures that your website doesn’t look like hundreds of others using the same template, providing a distinct and memorable user experience.


With a custom design, you have the flexibility to implement any feature or functionality you need. Whether it’s an interactive product gallery, custom forms, or unique navigation, the possibilities are endless.


Custom websites are built to grow with your business. As your needs evolve, your website can be easily expanded and updated without the constraints often imposed by templates.

Drawbacks of Customisation

Higher Costs

Customisation comes at a premium. The bespoke nature of the design and development process means higher upfront costs. Professional designers and developers charge for the time and expertise required to create a unique, high-quality website.

Longer Development Time

Creating a custom website is a time-consuming process. It involves multiple stages, including planning, designing, developing, testing, and launching. This extended timeline can be a drawback if you need your website up and running quickly.

Ongoing Maintenance

Custom websites often require more ongoing maintenance to ensure they remain functional, secure, and up-to-date. This can involve additional costs and the need for technical expertise.

Understanding Template-Based Website Design

Definition and Explanation

Template-based website design involves using pre-designed themes that can be customised to some extent. These templates provide a framework that you can modify with your own content, images, and branding elements.

Benefits of Using Templates


Templates are a budget-friendly option. They provide a cost-effective way to create a professional-looking website without the high costs associated with custom design. Many templates are available for free or at a low cost.

Quick to Launch

Using a template significantly reduces the time required to get your website live. Since the design and basic structure are already in place, you only need to customise it with your content and branding.

Ease of Use

Templates are user-friendly, especially for those without technical expertise. They often come with drag-and-drop builders and other tools that make it easy to customise the website without needing to write code.

Drawbacks of Using Templates

Limited Flexibility

Templates come with pre-defined layouts and functionalities, which can limit your ability to customise the website to your exact needs. This can be restrictive if you require specific features or a unique design.

Potential for a Generic Look

Since templates are widely used, there’s a risk that your website may look similar to many others using the same template. This can make it harder to stand out in a crowded online market.

Scalability Issues

Templates may not be as scalable as custom designs. As your business grows and your needs change, you might find the template’s limitations more restrictive, potentially necessitating a costly redesign down the line.

Key Differences Between Customised and Template-Based Designs

Flexibility and Uniqueness

Customisation: Offers complete flexibility to create a unique design tailored to your brand. You can implement any feature or functionality you need.

Templates: Provide limited flexibility with pre-defined layouts and functionalities. Customisation options are often restricted to changing colours, fonts, and basic layout elements.

Cost and Budget Considerations

Customisation: Involves higher upfront costs due to the bespoke design and development process. Requires a larger investment but provides a unique and tailored solution.

Templates: Are more budget-friendly with lower upfront costs. Suitable for those with limited budgets looking for a professional-looking website.

Time to Launch

Customisation: Takes longer to develop and launch due to the comprehensive design and development process. Typically involves multiple stages and collaboration with designers and developers.

Templates: Can be launched quickly since the design and basic structure are already in place. Requires only basic customisation and content addition.

Maintenance and Updates

Customisation: May require more ongoing maintenance and technical expertise to keep the website functional, secure, and up-to-date.

Templates: Are generally easier to maintain with straightforward updates and fewer technical requirements.

Performance and Scalability

Customisation: Built to be scalable, allowing your website to grow and adapt as your business evolves. Performance can be optimised specifically for your needs.

Templates: May have limitations in scalability and performance optimisation, potentially requiring a redesign as your needs change.

When to Choose Customised Website Design

Specific Scenarios and Business Needs

Customised website design is ideal for businesses with unique needs that cannot be met by templates. This includes companies that require specialised features, complex functionalities, or a distinctive brand identity.

Industries That Benefit Most from Custom Designs

Certain industries benefit significantly from customised website designs, including:

  • E-commerce: Online stores with extensive product ranges, custom checkout processes, and unique user experiences.
  • Technology: Companies that need to showcase innovative products and services with interactive features.
  • Finance: Firms requiring robust security features, custom client portals, and complex data integrations.
  • Healthcare: Providers needing to offer unique patient portals, appointment booking systems, and secure information handling.

When to Choose Template-Based Website Design

Specific Scenarios and Business Needs

Template-based website design is suitable for small businesses, startups, and personal projects with limited budgets and simpler needs. It’s ideal for those who need a professional-looking website quickly and affordably.

Industries That Benefit Most from Templates

Industries that can effectively use template-based designs include:

  • Blogging: Personal bloggers and content creators who need a simple, easy-to-use platform.
  • Local Services: Small local businesses such as plumbers, electricians, and hair salons that need an online presence without extensive functionalities.
  • Small Retail: Small shops and boutiques with a limited product range that don’t require complex e-commerce features.

Case Studies and Real-life Examples

Example of a Customised Website Project

Client: An e-commerce startup

Requirement: A unique online store with custom product filtering, advanced search functionality, and an interactive product gallery.

Solution: The client opted for a customised website design, resulting in a unique, high-performing e-commerce site tailored to their specific needs. The project took 12 weeks to complete and cost AUD 20,000.

Outcome: The customised website significantly improved user engagement and sales, providing a strong return on investment.

Example of a Template-Based Website Project

Client: A local hair salon

Requirement: A simple, professional-looking website to showcase services, allow online bookings, and provide contact information.

Solution: The client chose a template-based website design, resulting in a functional and attractive site launched within two weeks at a cost of AUD 1,500.

Outcome: The template-based website met the client’s needs, providing an affordable and quick solution to establish their online presence.

Tips for Making the Right Choice

Assessing Your Business Needs and Goals

Consider your specific business needs, goals, and the functionalities you require. A customised website is ideal for complex needs, while a template may suffice for simpler requirements.

Budgeting and Cost Management

Evaluate your budget and determine how much you can afford to spend on your website. Custom designs require a larger investment, while templates are more budget-friendly.

Consulting with Professionals

Seek advice from experienced web designers and developers to understand the best approach for your project. They can provide insights and recommendations based on your specific needs and budget.

Evaluating Long-Term Plans and Scalability

Consider your long-term business plans and whether you need a scalable solution. Custom designs offer greater scalability, while templates may have limitations as your business grows.


Choosing between customisation and templates for your website design is a critical decision that depends on your specific needs, budget, and goals. Customised websites offer unparalleled flexibility, uniqueness, and scalability but come with higher costs and longer development times. Template-based websites are cost-effective and quick to launch, ideal for small budgets and simpler needs but may lack flexibility and uniqueness. By understanding the differences and evaluating your requirements, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives.


What are the main benefits of a customised website design?

Customised website designs offer unique, tailored solutions with complete flexibility, scalability, and a strong brand identity. They are ideal for businesses with specific needs and complex functionalities.

Are template-based websites suitable for all businesses?

Template-based websites are suitable for small businesses, startups, and personal projects with limited budgets and simpler needs. They provide a cost-effective and quick solution for establishing an online presence.

How much does a customised website design typically cost?

Customised website designs can range from AUD 5,000 to AUD 50,000+, depending on the complexity and specific requirements of the project. They involve higher upfront costs due to the bespoke design and development process.

Can a template-based website be customised?

While templates offer some level of customisation, they are limited in flexibility compared to custom designs. You can modify colours, fonts, and layout elements, but the core structure and functionality are predefined.

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